In theory I was promised one day off a week in my contract, but I haven't been following up too harshly with that because I've really been enjoying the work, and am not in a position to turn down gaining riding experience right now. I know the past couple times I've worked in Reykjavik the girls have encouraged me to advocate for myself in that respect, and while I understand their point of speaking up for yourself and putting importance on rest--I'm having just enough of a little too much fun to really feel like I need a day off. Not to mention in Ölfus we will have some days with no tours, so it's not like I haven't had days to sleep in or early afternoons off.
But mine for the taking.

I’m honestly beyond physically tired, sore, and overly thankful to get to take things at my own pace despite my emotional energy towards the horses. I ate some more blueberries with oatmilk yogurt (again, you gotta try it if you find yourself in icelandia) and decided to take Nota for a solo ride. She was such a cutie coming in from the field, but I definitely regretted not bringing a whip because she kept trying to head home every single stop—which made for more of an active ride instead of a relaxing one. We didn’t go very far or very fast, due to that behavior and also Sabira had just taken a 2 hour out so I had to plan my route wisely. I did the 1hr tour backwards and enjoyed just listening to the world around me for once. The trees tangling by the summer houses, the loud seabirds, and the sheep scattering at every step towards their rocks. I honestly didn’t realize how much I needed this time with myself it until I had it. Even though my body is so tired, but my mind is still full of adventure and ready to go, and this is exactly where I needed to be today.
I got back before Sabira, and put Nota up before heading home to FaceTime my mother for the first time since I've been here. After a long chat, some unexpected news of my parent's planed trip to visit a whole month earlier than planned, and a good stretch, off I went to the coffee house to snag a cup or two. Bag fully secured, I went straight back home for an early shower and long afternoon of movies and pasta.
There wasn't much to the day, but that's how it should be.