Yesterday was filled with learning what it truly means to be German from Elisa. Not quite as much to write on in comparrison to today's exciting events, but I'll attach some neccessary video clips of her culturally significant quotes. It was a normal day for the most part, although we did see a herd of 50+ horses run past. It looked like a multi-day set up, but we weren't sure if any barns near us did them. Very cool nonetheless.
I've also taken to wearing my polo cap under my helment because I've started to aquire an ? icelandic? sunburn? Not to worry dear mother and dermatologist, I am using 45 spf every morning, but still the blazing arctic sun prevails. The cap is also a killer convo starter with the guys who venture into our horse rental--for some reason they are quite amused by it. Alas, men...such simple creatures.
Now--today! After tours, Elisa and I decided to take a ride to the forest. I thought for a second she was joking considering how yesterday went, as well as the fact that Iceland's tree population could probably fit onto a single page, but turns out the forest is not only a very real place--but an exciting half day ride from the barn. She decided to take Stormi to work on his energy levels, and I took Nota seeing as I'd ridden Embrün the other day and had been using Gaski for my tours. Elisa says she is still quite tired moving from the multi-day tour, but assured me the ride wouldn't be too much for her as she usually is quite forward and strong. Looking back on the day, I’m so glad she hatched the plan and took me along.

The ride was about 4 hours in total, but we went through thick rows of Lupines, across tiny streams, and galloped up steep hills too sketchy to attempt at a walk to the most magical little place. Christmas trees as high as houses and chatty creeks finding every downhill opportunity to fall over the path and through the grass. It was so special to just breathe as we navigated the woods between the trails, and over tall grass fields—it felt just how I imagined Icelandic riding to feel. We let the horses graze a little before heading back, and with ice cream high on our minds we decided a gallop would be the best move. I assured Elisa it was ok to let Stormi run as far as he wanted because Nota and I would be ok (something she is always too kind to do, never leaving anyone behind.). She sprinted off, and in no time was beyond sight, and I ended up being super grateful for that, because as soon as Nota and I gained our own speed, we were racing past summer cottages and towards the Ölfus mountain without a soul to run into. As we got closer to home, and life was begining to feel a little too unreal, the neighboring field of mares and their week old foals joined us. For at least 2 minutes, we ran along the riding way next to the fence line, with 6 foals bucking and running right with us--only a foot of lupines between us. At that point I just dropped the reins and held Nota's mane so she could take me into the wind. It was a joy I never thought I’d feel, as tears (maybe from joy but maybe from the wind too) but a moment I will forever hold onto. What a glimpse into the hope for life it gives me, and the smile I have while writing this is beyond compare. Today, was a golden day.
