Woohoo Weekends! Not like weekends really mean anything here other than extra work, but it's nice in theory.
The 3rd I worked at Reykjavik for the day as Lisa was sick with COVID, and it was quite fun considering Axelle and Iti are a hilarious pair to ride alongside. They keep getting on me for not bringing a lot to lunch, but truthfully we only have about 20 minutes, and then our day is over around 4 so it just makes sense to eat a light snack and then eat a larger meal afterward. It was super cool though, and on my way home I found the right radio station to listen to and got to jam out as I sped towards the Ölfus mountains. I feel very **local**. A glider plane was even released right above me--I thought how cool that was, and imaged how insane their view must be. Ethan would like that.

The 4th was pretty uneventful in Ölfus, and I did my best to keep my tours chill. We started watching Mamma Mia after work, and Elisa has really enjoyed it as she not only knows all of the songs, but performed all of them. Her character development truly takes so many unexpected turns as the summer powers on.

Today was incredible though. As I write this we're all settling into bed well past midnight, but for very good reason. We didn't have any morning tours, so we all got to sleep in until 9am, but not only us--the horses as well. It was beyond cute watching them out of the window taking full extended naps and rolling around. Elisa and I ultimately couldn't help ourselves and joined in their pasture for cuddles. We had a big afternoon ahead with a Disney group due at 4pm so the rest and calm was even more needed and special.

Now that I've gotten my riding confidence back, I decided to join in with the herding for the Disney tour today. We had to get horses from two fields to have enough, and I took Nota and rode in the back. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm kicking myself for not herding sooner--it has to be one of the most exhilarating things I've done since I've been here. I can't imagine doing it alone though--that seems beyond stressful. It was insane to feel like you weren't just riding anymore, but you were running as a part of the herd. The easier you let go of needing to feel in control of your horse, the better a ride it became. It's the type of feeling I feel privileged to get to experience, and know that from now on I'll be running with my horse quite a bit more. At this point, falling off would still be worth it.

In the group we herded home, we got Bliki--the Spirit look-a-like and full of attitude. Elisa took him for a test ride before we saddled him for a rider who was driving in to help us with the tour, and Bliki showed us a little zest. :) He really is quite a beautiful horse, but Elisa says one of the fastest and strongest in the company so we'll see if I ever get on him. Since the other rider (usually in Reykjavik and is related to the boss) usually prefers him I'm not sure I will--but if my time here has proven anything thus far, its that nothing is certain.
Elisa made a fun 'WC' sign for the Disney people, although I'm not sure how well Americans know that, but her effort was sweet and appreciated as the Disney people usually make mess--and today is a rainy one so I'm sure they'll all cram into the coffee house.
I rode Gáski for the tour, and chatted with the Disney people about their favorite movies, trips, and things they've done in Iceland so far. It's nice to talk to people from back home, but also to not be going back home with them. I'm extra thankful to be calling Iceland home today. Gáski did amazing, and I gave a super good review to the boss when he asked how he behaved. I don't think G is a 100% fan of the wind, but since the Disney group was so large, I know it helped quite a lot.

After the group left, we semi-cleaned the coffee house, left some rain gear to dry, and herded the extra horses home--woohoo! Just as fun the next go round, but I'm sure the horses will appreciate a good rest tomorrow that had to herd 4 times today. We showered and ate a big dinner before settling in to watch Mamma Mia 2. I am very excited to be entering a slow week (with no tours on the books tomorrow) and hopefully some days off. Almost through the movie Elisa got up and happened by the window--then immediately yelled at us to pause the film and get outside. At this point it was maybe 11:30pm, and the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen stretched across the sky and tucked behind the Ölfus mountain. The rain clouds from the day, plus the never truly setting midnight sun created a show I didn't even know skies could produce. We ran outside to our horses grazing in the flowering field, took some photos and videos, and laughed at how funny our little lives are. We chased the horses around a couple times, and all laid down in the flowers to find shapes in the brightly lit sky. I didn't even feel the cold in my t-shirt attire, but wished I could pause the moment for a bit longer.
A year ago today I was sprinting between jazz sets at Spoleto and taking midnight trips to the beach with Ashley, which was the most fun I'd ever had in a work setting up until that point, but to say this has to be the best work-glow up and new personal high is an understatement. I'm not sure what the next year will bring, but I hope it stays similar to this.