I'm getting so bad at keeping my journals updated appropriately, but in keeping the habit--here's the past three days all in one. It's gonna be a juicy one, with lots of pretty pics and vids, so you better enjoy.

June 23: My first full day in Reykjavik! I rode in with Elisa earlier to drop my things in the apartment before preparing to start the day. I'm getting Iti's bed (obviously) which means I'm also inheriting her spider: Adam. Iti has been feeding him flies that she catches, which I admit I do not foresee myself doing, but I don't mind his company in our little corner. Plus the view out of his window is killer and it means I can leave the window open since he's essentially a nature-made bug net. 10/10. Iti came by to say hi on her bike before heading off for her first day at her new work--fingers are crossed she loves it. The day was very uneventful, but as it was a Thursday Axelle, Lisa, and I went to the grocery store (to get me groceries) and then the liquor store to grab some beer and ciders to celebrate my move and a successful day of no bs.

We snagged some horses when we got home (Lisa took Tina, Axelle took Angus, and I got Von) and headed out for a bareback beer (or cider in my case) ride. We took turns going off path in the forest and laying back on our horses to watch the clouds, and I almost wet myself laugh so hard when Axelle not only fell off of Angus (while he was standing still) but then proceeded to not be able to catch him as he trotted away. It took her a solid 10 minutes to catch him again. I also managed to get the only video to exist of Lisa struggling to bareback mount a horse. She's usually like an actual monkey--jumping up on any horse no matter the terrain--but beer night just wasn't her moment I guess.
At feeding time, Axelle and I determined that listening to horses chew has to be one of the most satisfying ASMR sounds ever. It's like a symphony of goodness, and if that's a bit too niche of a statement, just pretend like you didn't read it. You CAN however enjoy this video of Axelle's reenactment of our favorite sound:
June 24: The parents last day in Icelandia :(. I had to switch up their airbnb last minute, so they actually ended up spending the night of the 23rd at the very first (and very protected I know now) waterfall in a small outer borough of Reykjavik.

They ended up really hitting it off with the airbnb host, and it was actually very sweet. Work day in Rvk was very normal, Lisa had the day off so Judith was working with us (woohoo) and we decided (along with my parents) that we all wanted to go to the FlyOver Iceland tonight. None of us had gone, and we'd heard so much from the tourists--so may as well give it a shot. Iti and Elisa had gone whale watching as Elisa had the day off (and since Judith was working with us she rode in with her) and Iti had a day off as well (she gets two a week, imagine that), so we invited them to join and planned to meet them at the FlyOver as a group. When we got there we were a little late, but my parents had decided to walk from their restaurant and were definitely late (underestimated their walk time I guess) so we had to wait for the next time slot. All I will say about the experience was wow--definitely not what I was expecting in the best way. I was so glad to have the whole crew there, plus my parents, as we got to see views of our summer home that made our jaws (and our stomachs if we're honest) drop!

Ethan of course loved it from an aviation standpoint, and I imagine it really checked all the boxes off for him, while Mary said it made her a bit queasy--but I think its worth it! Afterward I said goodbye to the parents (as they were leaving early in the morning) and headed back to the stable to make dinner with the girls. Lisa and I broke into the lifesaver gummies in the back seat of the van on the drive back, and we definitely enjoyed ourselves listening to the ramblings of Axelle and Iti.
Axelle later got this voice memo from a job inquiry she sent to the states, and It makes me laugh so hard every time dear GOD.

June 25: Today! As you can see, there's good reason I've been MIA journal-wise...the past couple days have truly been so full of fun and joy. Axelle had the day off and made sure we knew how relaxed and rested she was...she can just wait until we can do the same to her haha! As a result, Judith was with us again, and that made me so so happy as I love guiding tours with her. She makes me laugh so hard, and just fits the vibes here so well. Lisa wanted to go take some nice bareback photos in the red lava today after the tours, and so we all got to play model for a little bit, as well as enjoy messing around on our tour route.

I picked Von again today—ever since mother rode her I've stared to get a little extra fond of her…plus she’s pretty comfy bareback and is always more interested in eating rather than bolting off (not that it would be a worry or trouble, at this point I’m the best rider I’ve ever been, but the chill energy is always appreciated). Lisa showed us her mounting mastery as she jumped off and on Little Karl, slid off backwards, and balanced on tiny rocks to get her angles. 10/10 team player moves right there.

I'm glad it was her though, because truthfully I'm not sure I would have been able to get back on after a couple times lmaooo. We took turns climbing our horses up to pose on the lava arch, laughing through the lupines, and galloping up the hills home. At first I was a little apprehensive to gallop bareback--esp on gravel--but for some reason it made me feel more connected to the horse in motion beneath me more so than ever. It was super comfortable, and almost better than galloping with a saddle.

The only drawback I can think of it slowing down is a lot bouncier without a saddle, so that part is tougher. Looking back and smiling at the pictures and videos right now, the vibes are very 'summer camp in the good ole' days, ' and I can't wait to look back on them one day and smile at the gift that was our summer together. Also, I'd be remiss not to mention that Von looked beyond precious in the Lupines, and from this point on I can’t image ever hating a chestnut mare again. :)
Life doesn't feel quite real right now--and it almost brings tears to my eyes. Not in a sad or 'happy' way, but in a deeply thankful and joyful way. You know when you're watching Planet Earth (or any sort of documentary), and the film score orchestral bit is pounding, the camera is dropping through the most awe-inspiring scenery, and all you can do it push your face as close to the screen as possible while blaring the music to feel like you're tugged into a part of it all? Yeah :)
the technique, the finesse, the brilliance that is Lisa


*special thanks to Lisa's artistic vision and commendable patience*