About that song later though. I already shortly described our first meeting. Unfortunately, I didn’t have many chances to work together with Martin. But when I did, I managed to get a glimpse of how much is in that woman. And later when we had more chances to spend time, there was always something new that I discovered about her.

In addition to belonging to the Spons hate club and having each other's backs in heated debates against Spons lovers, I resonated with Martin in a way that made me feel safe in her presence. I could be myself. I felt safe showing her who I am and what I think and I knew that she either approves or gently shows how she would do or react in that case, which created space for me to analyze and reassess my views without creating resentment. I can see that she is immaculate at creating such a space for almost all the people whose character does not fall too far from a socially mature enjoyable line. But she also does not sugarcoat, so if you keep eating a chicken that has been sitting on a counter for a week, she does not have your back and who would? Stop polishing your horns and pull your shit together.
My generation was probably the first one that got called snowflakes by an older generation who supposedly joyfully walked through lava rivers and glacier mountains to go to work every day and they were damn proud to fulfill all the unreal expectations. I have experienced that we are called snowflakes because we want decent pay for our efforts, are not willing to fulfill orders that make no sense and try to fight for our safety and well-being. Martin in that way is a person that I would take with me if I needed to win a debate in anything. She is able to bring out facts and arguments that only a stupid person would not agree with (unfortunately we witnessed many). We are not snowflakes in a way that we demand the right to sleep until 11 am because our chakras do not align for work before that time, but we are snow-f***ing-flakes that will bring you down if you try to bullshit us. And Martin is the perfect person for that mission.

But she was also capable of bullshiting people, but only when needed. For example in moments when tourists were incapable of giving a strong clear signal to the horse to go faster because they were afraid of hurting them. Instead of assuring that the horses cannot be hurt that way and please use your heels, like the rest of the guides tried to explain, Martin told them that kids usually wave their legs around and kick horses randomly which has made horses a bit numb to random weak signals, so if you do not want to be like a kid on a horse then you have to give a strong nudge. It worked and showed me another and more efficient way of delivering a message. Clever, clever girl.
Going more into depth I feel like Martin has endless creativity and a way to see the world which should receive at least the same amount of attention and appreciation as Kylie Jenner’s new lip kits. This example sure shows how doomed our world is and how creative souls like Martin actually have to struggle to find their happy place in this capitalistic greed-based society. If I had all the money in the world, I would give enough to people like Martin, so that they could live the kind of life they want and I believe they would make the world a much better place. But Martin
sure knows how to do things her own way and I am eager to see where she takes herself (without putting expectations because her happiness is what counts)
But the song. I was listening to music while I was chopping wood and this song came up which I think resembles Martin the most to me. Hozier - From Eden
It is not the most original and off-the-mainstream kind of song, but its vibe definitely makes me feel what I feel when I am spending time with this soul. I am forever grateful that I met such an inspiring woman. She creates conditions for the best laughter therapy and I feel like it does not matter what we would do or where we would go, it would be a blast as long as she is there. These are my favorite kind of people. I hope we have a lot of fun times coming ahead of us and I wish the absolute best for her because she sure deserves it.
