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List of my pet peeves! ep.1

Writer's picture: Iti-Jantra MetsamaaIti-Jantra Metsamaa

As you have already understood I love ranting about stuff, so if this is not my favorite post to write about I do not know what could possibly be. And if you ever see me doing the same things that I rant about, feel free to hit me…with a shovel.

Here on the right, you can see me on my way to give my judgments... Captured by the sweetest Martin.

1. When people think that going to the theater every weekend is a sign of belonging to the upper class. I also enjoy theater but I acknowledge that it is just a source of entertainment that comes from times when we didn’t have cinemas or TVs. The fact that it is performed live and requires formal wear does not make it any more valuable or educational, especially if you only go there just to brag about it later, Patricia!

2. People who only create abstract art, don’t have the skills to replicate forms, and don’t know color theory but consider themselves great artists. You can bend the rules when you know them first. Or create abstract art just to relax and enjoy yourself, but randomly throwing paint on canvas and thinking this is valuable and timeless art - nope. It looks like dinosaurs' vomit and I do not see any signs of your representation of omphaloskepsis in there. (yep, that’s a word)

3. People who think that their taste in music is supreme and simple pop music is for lower classes (by now I see that my pet peeves are mostly about snobbism XD). I once heard a girl brag about how all the songs in her playlist were unknown to others and she forbid her friends to listen to well-known pop songs on a road trip. What a brat! Let everyone enjoy their jam. You have no right to belittle them for it. Especially knowing that you create this supreme taste of music just to fulfill your empty ego!

4. People who think that reading a lot of novels (women reading romantic novels) makes them book smart and brag about how much they read. Nope, they are made-up stories that develop unreal expectations. If you want to brag about being book smart, you read books that are based on facts and real-life stories… AND EVEN THEN THE BRAGGING IS QUESTIONABLE.

5. Contradicting EVERYTHING that anyone says beginning with the phrase “actually it is not like this”. Some people consider it their hobby not to agree with anyone. Surprisingly for them, it does not add to their popularity. Wonder, why?

6. Extremely picky people (especially with food). I also do not like liver and some other substances, but if you seek attention through it by not eating anything waiting for someone to start running after you and finding something for you, or if you wrinkle your nose every time sth is not up to your unrealistic standards, then I have to hold myself back that I do not kidnap you, throw you off into a deep forest, come back after three days with the same food and I can bet my ass you won’t despise it.

7. Boring people. I am sorry, maybe they can’t do anything about it but especially the kind of boring people that are afraid to do anything that may be inappropriate so they become these moving statues that are always very official-looking and serious. Afraid to be embarrassed and if you dare joke around with them, you receive a killer stare. COME ON! Live a little or at least stop rolling your eyes when I am having fun doing sth different than just being a boring adult.

8. When somebody's manner of speaking (a bit dragging, raspy) sounds like they just finished 6 years of training at London University of the upper class. Usually, an attitude of supremacy (or wanting to seem indifferent and cool) is in the package as well. Sometimes it is to do with a high-end job, that they are currently having, some designer clothes, an unnecessarily big car, or 3 years of traveling all over the world with their dad’s money that makes them think they deserve more than all the peasants who she assumes have never left home-town in their life.

9. People who wash their cats!!! Please stop, it's not only unnecessary but harmful to them. I call it soap-stupidness. OCD cleaning is not a sickness anymore, it is a standard created by society that in turn creates immunity problems and world pollution. I also do not understand these millennials who scroll on their phones all day doing barely anything and then showering twice a day thinking they are filthy. Estonians shower twice only when they have been working and sweating their asses off and in addition to taking a shower it is also raining that day.

10. Musicians who produce a shitload of songs in their bedroom that all sound the same and wonder why are they not famous yet. Actually, it goes to all creators, who think that every piece they create is a golden nugget (writers, painters, ceramic makers, etc). One Estonian pop-song writer said that he writes one song every day and at the end of the week, he chooses only one song and erases the other six. By the end of the month, he will have 4 decent songs and he only chooses one that goes into production. And people think he is just very talented. Nope, it’s a ton of work that your lazy ass does not understand because you think every little shitty thing you create is a masterpiece.

11. Motorcyclists who rev their engines while driving in densely populated areas. You think that bras start to fly but my brother, the only ones who admire you are other guys.

12. Using emotions against facts. You try to play the victim by crying or raising your voice but facts are facts. Present your arguments and if they are shitty then try to humble yourself and admit what obviously is the truth.

13. #39FF14 - anyone who uses this color on big surfaces in open areas (coloring their house or fence next to a big road also counts) should be taken away the right to see colors. It hasn’t done anything good for them so far.

14. Going crazy over celebrities. They are not gods. Getting famous is just an inevitable part of their job. And most of them are assholes anyway so they should not be bought as an example.

15. Celebrating birthday WEEKS. Like one day isn’t already enough to celebrate your marvelous existence in this world.

16. Posting (usually an unfocused) selfie to wish everybody merry Christmas or happy Valentine’s Day…the list goes on. Yes, my holiday got so much better now that I have seen your boring face on social media, Kimberly. I really feel the holiday spirit now.

17. Despising second-hand stores because you consider clothes that someone else has worn disgusting. So you can't get over the fact that a human such as yourself wore this item (sometimes once or even never) and decided to donate it so that it would not go to waste? Instead, you think that buying overpriced made-in-china clothes sometimes sewn by little kids in brutal working conditions makes them less disgusting to wear. Makes so much sense indeed.

18. Mukbangers - I understand why it is pleasing to watch them devour all this food, but if you start thinking about it, then it is repulsive. It is wasteful, disrespectful, and unethical.

19. White things - kitchens, sheets, clothes, etc. Yep, they look good, but keeping them white requires so many resources and often poisonous substances. Can you imagine how much chemicals are used every day just to keep sheets, robes, and towels blindingly white in all the hotels all over the world? Having dark things and keeping them clean would be enough.

20. Organic products sold in plastic containers.

21. Modern architecture. How have our skills developed from building fancy mansions, cozy wooden houses, big castles, and churches into throwing together cardboard boxes colored in black and white?

22. Mullets - I’m sorry! Seldom have I seen a person that has a mullet and it does something good for them.

…will be continued.


Martin Allison
Martin Allison
Jan 25, 2023

you now have me dreaming of an entirely dark neutral & wood toned home and why is it so appealing?!

Iti-Jantra Metsamaa
Iti-Jantra Metsamaa
Jan 26, 2023
Replying to

It is! But have you seen sb building a wooden house recently?

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