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„How to ride ‚crazy‘ horses“ – a step to step guide

Writer's picture: Elisa M. SchüttlöffelElisa M. Schüttlöffel

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

On the farm I was known for riding all the weird and „crazy“ horses. I don’t really think they were that bad, just really energetic. I enjoyed riding our bosses youngsters and teaching them how to stir and break. In general when there was a new or weird horse I was the first one to try it out. Some girls called me suicidal for riding all these horses but I don't think I was. I was always aware of the risks and knew (at least more or less) what I was doing.

So here is a „How to ride the ‚crazy‘ horses“ or better, how I learned to ride them and become confident around them, no matter what they do:

  1. Don’t you dare to use your legs if you want to stay slow. I quickly figured out that staying on works best if you literally take your legs away from the horses stomach so that you are barely touching him. This way they will walk calmly until you put your legs on them correctly. Then they will automatically get faster. If they start running take your leg away, sit down deep and they will stop.

  2. Hold the reins. Either you hold the horse back all the time or you completely drop the reins. If you have something in-between the horse will try to run off. On tours I usually recommend holding the horse back as otherwise they might walk a little too fast.

  3. Sit in the saddle. Don’t let the horse pull you out but sit down deep, stretch your leg towards the ground and you will be good. Don’t focus too much on the heels but on getting the leg to the back and straight. Then the heels will drop automatically. Most of the „crazy“ horses react quite well to weight as they are only getting ridden by experienced riders and will calm down.

  4. Breathe. If you breathe you relax and the horse relaxes, which means it’s not gonna run away with you.

  5. Laugh or smile. You will relax which leads to 4.)

  6. If your horse runs off breathe out deeply, put your weight in the saddle and you will be able to stop after a few meters.

  7. If you aren’t sure whether you will be able to break or not while herding choose a fast tölt over a slow gallop. They react much better in tölt and as soon as they calmed down their excitement they will be able to do a nice and slow gallop.

  8. If your horse is rearing just grab the mane, push your heels down and you will be good. If they go straight up put your weight to the front so that you don’t flip but rather push them down a little. And most important: Smile. Otherwise your muscles will cramp and make everything worse. If you are relaxed you will be able to follow the movements of the horse.

  9. Talk. If you are talking calmly to the horse they will calm down and start listening.

  10. Enjoy. Nothing is better than a full speed tölt or gallop. It might take a few meters to stop but usually the horses will run for 50m/160ft and then you have control, can slow them down and enjoy.

After this list here are some of my favourites at our barn and how to handle them, you will find many of the points mentioned above in the specific descriptions:


Our manager says he is one of the most powerful horses in the company and that is definitely true. Just always keep a bit of a rein connection and you will have an amazing ride. On him in the beginning it is really important to ride without leg but after the first tölt/gallop he will be fine with your leg on his stomach. Just don’t try to pull the reins, he is stronger, will fight you and win. On him it is more the key to work with your weight and to sit down deep in the saddle. He is really fast and has an amazing tölt and is in general a really nice ride.


A former competition horse and you can feel that while riding her. Hold her a bit back for the tölt and you will have a good ride. If your reins are too long she will take off in flying pace but you will be able to stop her quite easily. Just try to be nice, talk to her, give her a pet and she will be alright. If she starts liking you – jackpot, you gained a friend/horse for life and she will do everything for you. Like literally everything. Herding a huge herd bareback? No problem. Swim trough a river? Let's go. Take a ton of hand horses because you are too lazy to go twice? She's your girl.


He is very insecure so you just have to be very confident yourself so that he feels it. He likes to have a steady rein connection and kind of searches for your help. He has quite a bad balance which you can feel in the tölt but with some dressage he is quite nice. Just hold the reins short when getting on, otherwise he will start trotting while you are hanging on his side.


Quite powerful as well but a real sweetheart. I am the luckiest person alive that I was able to buy him. On him the key is to be calm and confident. On tours he is always very stressed so you have to talk to him so that he calms down. If he starts rearing try to laugh it off, when he is stressed he will go straight up in the air a couple of times in a row but just stand in the stirrups and you are good. You always have to keep his mind busy so just do a bit of collection work or let him walk sideways and you have an amazing horse.


He is really young and likes racing. If you keep your reins short and sit down deep you will be fine. Just try to not let him get too exited, talk to him and he will calm down and listen. Rather not take him together with another highly energetic horse, he still has to learn that he can’t race everybody so rather take him out with someone calm.


He is a very strong horse that is never running out of energy. I remember my first ride, our boss randomly gave me the reins and said „I don’t know if you are strong enough to ride/handle him but just give it a try“. Well, it worked out and I fell in love. He is a very huge but sensitive horse and you can ride him with your weight. So just don’t put too much effort in riding a lot over the reins and you will have a good ride.


When I came he was called „the crazy one“ because he would always make all the guides fall off or run off on tours. In him I found one of my most reliable guide horses. Just hold the reins short, remain calm and he will stay calm. He doesn’t like being in the back so respect that and he will behave like an angel. He is quite fast so be prepared for that, but unlike many others he is super easy to hold back and you will soon fall in love.

As you might have noticed, the key points for these horses are all the same as mentioned above. So if you want to try one of these just take them out for a ride after work, breathe and enjoy. They really aren’t as bad as everyone says. You just have to be confident and you will be able to handle them without a problem. They feel your fear and are gonna get scared as well. So just pretend you aren't scared and you are good to go! Just start slowly and you will have to fake the confidence less and less. ;) And once you started riding these you don’t want to go back to slower horses. It is kind of an adrenaline rush and you will get addicted. I promise. :)


Martin Allison
Martin Allison
Nov 08, 2022

Spons is an honorable mention for being crazily uncomfortable.

Elisa M. Schüttlöffel
Elisa M. Schüttlöffel
Nov 08, 2022
Replying to

I agree to that.

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