Every day I see at least 15 galloping videos on Instagram, and they all use the same 3 songs: Unstoppable by Sia, Runnin' by Naughty Boy, or Run Boy Run by Woodkid. Coming Back Around by John Powell is the honorable mention, but I actually don't mind that one so I'm letting it escape critique here. I've just about had it with no one having creativity when it comes to gallop video audios, and also hearing the same stuff so much so that it makes me not want to make my own reels or videos--thus prompted this blog for all of my fellow equestrians. Please, for the love of god, give the passerby on social media a cooler view of horses than what's out there so far.
Feel free to que all of these on your Spotify, volume all the way up with headphones (preferably), and close you eyes to imagine it as if you were there. On a mountainside, or expansive grass highland field, or dry midwestern desert, to a black sand beach, with whatever horse is your favorite, sprinting away from everything worth leaving behind & towards everything worth running away to.
So, up up up (iykyk)...in no particular order:

Flight Over Alps Jacob Shea
I know my film score friends will have words to throw over me telling them they can't use the How to Train Your Dragon filmscores for riding videos anymore, but go cry about it. Its my blog. It's a good filmscore, but it's not the only one out there, and lets be honest it's only well known because that one person used it in a TikTok and everyone got obsessed with it. Take if from someone who's be curating a film score playlist for the past 9 years (since my parents only let me study to instrumental music I had to get creative as a young teen)--theres better out there, and this is one of them. Specifically 1:45-on. If you're super into filmscores for riding videos, here are my other honorable mentions: Gang on the Run Danny Elfman from 1:15-1:35 also very iconic pic, Afghan Trek Theodore Shapiro 1:30-1:50 and could be dope for a slow-mo, A Life Without Limitations Amie Doherty from 0:20-0:30 for someone really into fairy-core type stuff, Octavia Marcus Warner really anywhere in the song, Market Forro Carlinhos Brown from 0:54-1:10 because I think its hilarious as an audio for this and will be using it when I ride in South America. You're welcome. I resisted every urge to add the fantastic beasts/Crimes of Grindelwald theme in here seriously, but I at least had to mention it for those who don't care if its recognizable.

Living & Dying Joshua Hyslop
This is for my western folks, but could be anywhere I suppose. Particularly 1:30 and onward in the song, and I'd say go for a sunrise or dusk run type aesthetic. I feel like this would sound super cool with a grey horse, but that's just me getting specific now.

Contaminated BANKS
The video would have to be cinematic esque--like a stabilized camera super close or a cool drone perspective, but take 0:53-1:15 and back it up it right into 3:22--take that for what you will. If I get a dramatic shot one day I will be using this.

Burn With Me Whilk & Misky
From 2:58-on, wherever you like. Very cowboy. Very western. It's giving Texas-Hold-Em.

Real Life - Ossian Remix Mako
If you're really insisting on using an EDM mix for it, this is a good one that's not been shoved down everyone's throats and out of their rear. I'd go for the bit that's 0:48-1:25, but I don't mind the build up chorus either. Idk you're the EDM lover, you tell me.

I Miss You - Acoustic Grey
This is very niche but I feel like it would be so cool with a beach type video. 2:12 - on and I think it's a whole vibe. Maybe a black horse?

Brother Lord Huron
Hits the mountain aesthetic hard, 2:17-2:34 or 2:50-on. I feel like this oozes chestnut horse but that's just me.

Skeletons Labrinth
I have no shame adding a Euphoria song on here because 1) Labrinth is an actual god and made the most iconic soundtrack ever, and 2) you can't look me in the eye and tell me this doesn't work. 1:19-on, and thank me later.

Movie Blake Rose
Larger than life type feel, super deep message if you think about it--make it worth it if you use it. I'm saving this one for the right video but tag me if you use it bc I wanna seeeeee. 1:13-1:40. or 2:45-3:11 is a little more dramatic.

Second Child, Restless Child The Oh Hellos
I am not a second child but I am a restless child so I'd go for 1:48-on.

Run Wild Laney Jones
I haven't seen this one on social yet, but for the inner horse girl it SLAPS. 2:30-on is the best I think, but the refrain is a couple times throughout the song. 10/10
Honorable Mentions: Riding Free Maisy Stella (I have seen this one on TikTok but only videos of children riding and I think it could be cute w the right video), Mountain Sound Of Monsters and Men (I see this one a lot but it kinda slaps ngl), & Vegas Doja Cat (I only saw a handful of equestrians use it and they were all western reiners, I wanna see some English riders on this bc the beat drop could be so cool)
Use this to test out any of the songs, it works well with some and not the best with others, but good vibes none the less. Catch ya later!